
Terms & Privacy

  1. Any person enrolling in the Ord Grocery Kart Rewards program or using the rewards card or using this website, constitutes accepting all the terms and conditions stated here.
  2. Ord Grocery Kart reserves the right to change reward values or modify the terms and conditions of the Ord Grocery Kart Rewards Rewards program at any time.
  3. The Ord Grocery Kart Rewards program is the property of Ord Grocery Kart and we reserve the right to terminate the program at any time. A 30-day notice will be given to Ord Grocery Kart Rewards cardholders prior to termination.
  4. Ord Grocery Kart will always endeavor to provide proper points values for shopping, and will correct any reasonable errors, but can not be responsible for all alleged errors.
  5. Phone number in lieu of card is designed as a backup only. Ord Grocery Kart will endeavor to correct any reasonable errors, but cannot be responsible for phone number(s) errors or duplicate phone numbers on record.
  6. Ord Grocery Kart reserves the right to terminate Rewards accounts that have been inactive for two years.
  7. Ord Grocery Kart cannot be responsible for the actions of employees or associates of businesses or organizations or their behavior as it relates to the Rewards Program.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement
Your Privacy is protected! All of your personal information is completely confidential and will not be shared or sold to anyone by Ord Grocery Kart, Loyalty Lane Rewards, or any affiliates or employees of either company. Your information will only be used by Ord Grocery Kart to contact you with communications and special offers. You always have the option to discontinue these communications.

We employ state of the art encryption technology when sending and receiving confidential information. Customer privacy is at the heart of everything we do.

Information Collection
We collect information provided by our website users during registration for certain activities such as creating an account, signing up for email announcements and newsletters, making purchases, and when visitors provide their personal contact information when requesting information about products and services. We may periodically send out newsletters or other types of promotional announcements to those who have registered their email addresses with us. No third parties will contact registered users except through advertisements contained in the newsletters sent from us. We do not reveal any personal information that is provided by our website users to any third parties without prior permission. We use every reasonable precaution to keep personal information secure.

Removal from Database
Registered users can be removed from future email announcements at their request. Instructions for removal are contained in Preferences.